Don't lose your interview again! Learn the tricks of the trade. Algorithms have shaped products and given a competitive edge to companies. Interviewers test your knowledge as much as your coding skills. The difference between a junior software developer and a senior one can be seen from their communication on subject matter. Sound like an expert because you can recall the methods behind the system engineering practice and commercial products that are popular today. We have been there. We know it is hard. The interviewer asks a question "what's a bloom filter?" and your mind is blank. You have no idea. You weren't prepared for this question. The interviewer may hide the impatience to say "Next." but you know what's at stake more than the interviewer does. This is a real story and one I'm familiar with despite years of experience in writing code for several products. There will be many times in your career when you are evaluated. Domain knowledge is one of the curveballs during the technical interviews. Companies, both big and small, indulge in such excuses to reject candidates when the competition is stiff. The pandemic has leveled the playing field across geographical regions but you can do better than the overrun. What if you had a summary cheat sheet for the most often encountered interview questions on technical knowledge points? This is what this book offers. No purely academic-interest algorithms to distract your focus. Only what's relevant to the interviews. Includes most contemporary ones around which many of the features you use today are built. No code. Only a lucid-style and succinct description. Just enough to hit a home run with that ball. My goal with this book is to provide you a collection of algorithms so that you can not only ward off surprises during the interview but use them in your answers to questions that range from your experience on your resume to wide-ranging system design problems. You will leave a good impression on your interviewer. Thank you for knowing the difference between run-off-the-mill interview preparation books and the one that makes you a subject matter expert. You got this.

Ideas From Computer Science
Ideas from Computer Science is a picture book illustrating the problems and solutions rampant in software engineering applications. As the adage goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. This book provides a visual guide to helping anyone understand in becoming familiar with what the professionals in software engineering accomplish.
- Watch this video to know more: https://vimeo.com/895417083